With this extension, you will be able to view other players statuses once again within the Roblox website. Developers looking to implement custom Humanoid statuses should use CollectionService which provides a more flexible and robust system for tagging objects. Earlier this year, Roblox has completely removed viewing Roblox players statuses.

It has been depreciated and should not be used by developers in new work.

The website first released in Early-June 2020. Status is an unfinished object designed to store custom Humanoid statuses.
Roblox Error Code 504: This error means there is a connection issue, servers are undergoing maintenance, or there is a temporary shutdown. Roblox Status is an online status and information website made by Roblox Corporation to show people if Roblox is really having issues or if it is just them, they also send updates when issues are happening on the Roblox website and/or game on the app.Try again after giving Roblox some time to resolve the error. Roblox Error Code 500: This error indicates there is a problem with the servers and not your system or the network.You're not likely to be able to access this page in the future. Roblox Error Code 404: An error code 404 means the page you are trying to access has been removed or has been blocked.Tap Set status and choose Set a custom status in the popup. RoPro is a browser extension that adds tons of useful features to : Server Filters - Find small and empty servers, sort servers by region.
If you experience this error, you may or may not be able to get back in. Open the iOS or Android app and tap the Profile tab in the bottom right corner.

Error Code 273: This error could mean that you're logged into your account from several devices, that there are problems with your connection, or that you have been warned or banned for bad behavior.You will be able to access the game again when the server is returned to working status.